Digital Business Card

Lessons learned from Facebook break down

What did you feel when Facebook services broke down? Did you feel that you are surrendering yourself to Facebook and it is possible to lose everything you built-in a moment? You have the right to feel this after the service interruption, but we have a solution that can end this horror completely.
In this article we will talk about:
- The dangers of being an online renter
- How can you have a salesman who works around the clock
- Why did Facebook buy Instagram for $1 billion and WhatsApp for $2 billion?

A few days ago, Facebook services were completely out of service (Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, and WhatsApp) for about six hours, and there was no television station or news agency that did not talk about the news. Some people said that this is a good indicator and remembered the days where there were real social connections. And some other people said that this event shows how important the social website became in our lives and that we can’t even live a couple of hours without it, but this is not our main topic.
Our topic here is the effect of this interruption on the small and medium businesses, especially the businesses that depend entirely on marketing on the Facebook page or Instagram.

Have you thought about the impact of this interruption on your business if it lasts for days? Weeks? Lasts forever? How will you act? In fact. Most of us will not think of this possibility because Facebook is a great Company and the services will not go down for more than a couple of hours as it happened before. But in fact, there’s another danger which is the services go down for you only, or in other words, you don’t have the possibility to access your accounts or your business manager, some of the people who have business pages understand this and have been through this before, for example, you might create a new Ad but the Facebook prohibits it from showing because it’s against Facebook policies, and it might take a long time to be solved.

It’s possible also that the page that you invested time, effort, content, and money on it disappears without any reason and even worse that is known by anybody that owns a Facebook page that your posts reach only a few followers of the page, meaning that if your page has a hundred thousand followers, the post may not reach ten or twenty thousand of them only. Facebook also confirmed this information that they want to develop the user experience because people want to communicate more with their friends, but it reduces communication with the business and makes it controlled by payment, meaning that the more you pay, the more people you reach, and in fact, Facebook has the right to do such things and more because they own the platform, and you cannot even say that you are renting a place from them, because you did not even pay rent for the page you own because Facebook gave you this page for free.

You also feel this weak position on any platform that you do not own, meaning that when you are on any other platform that has been granted to you for free, you actually have no rights, but there is a solution to this problem, which is to have a platform that you own and therefore you have every right to dispose of it as you wish This platform is your website. The website not only solves the problem of control but also gives you a lot of advantages.

Advantages of owning your own website

1- Complete control

Having a website gives you complete control over everything, you can say and do whatever you want, create the brand identity as you want, and you have the opportunity to communicate with followers whenever you want and at a much lower cost than any other platform, your follower can agree to send them push notifications, so you send them all new about your work, and it is also possible to make followers subscribe to your mailing list, so you can send your messages whenever you want and communicate with them, and it is certain that the site will not close suddenly and without reasons

2- Building a visual identity

The site helps you draw the brand image you want with your customers. This is difficult to achieve on social media because you cannot control everything to work in your favor.
The visual identity is the gateway through which the company overlooks the labor market that exists within it, and it is its identity and its mark that distinguishes it from other competing companies, through which the public can distinguish it from other similar companies in the market.

3- The whole picture

Mostly when you enter the company’s Facebook page, you will find only brief information about the company in addition to the various posts. On the site, you can find all the required information about the company from the about page, for example, and you can explain the services and products more fully than any other site, in addition. To help visitors and followers to communicate with you from the communication page.

4- Building trust

Having a site helps in building trust, when a new visitor comes to your site and finds a professionally designed site, then he has more confidence in the company, and vice versa also, even if you are a very strong company, but you do not care about the website, it will give a bad impression on the customer. For example, when one of the sales staff from a company calls me I always ask about the company’s website and to send it to me, then I browse the site and its data before I show any interest in the product they offer me, in fact, the decision is based largely on the site and not on the person who communicates with me only.

5- Easy access to the business

Meaning that anyone who knows the name of your company or heard about it can easily search for it in Google if he does not know the exact URL of the site and access it and consider that he has already reached the company

6- Access from search engines

Better and easier than accessing through the company URL is the possibility of reaching more potential customers even if they do not know the name of the company, they just need to know the field of work of your company, by improving your visibility in search engines (SEO) and adding good and useful content can reach a very large number from searchers to your site if your site has a good ranking.

7- A 24/7 sales representative

Your website represents a sales or marketing representative working around the clock, meaning that your sales, marketing, and the introductory message are present all the time, and anyone who visits the site will see this message written professionally and correctly, and this message will arrive without the representatives’ mistakes in delivering the message, in addition, there will be no one working 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

8- Making sales funnels

You can make appropriate sales funnels for the stage the customer is going through, the customer goes through different stages until the completion of the purchase process, these stages we call the customer journey, through your site you can create different paths targeting customers at different stages.

9- Building a mailing list

Your website is one of the most powerful means of building a mailing list, in the sense that you keep the emails of website visitors. When Facebook paid these billions in the applications it bought, it did not pay for the price of the application development, but it was the price of data and followers. He used to pay a high price for each subscriber until they became his property, and you will also when you have your followers' data, you will pay a very small price, which is the price of your participation in an e-mail marketing program in order to reach your customers and followers.

10- Selling through the site

Selling through the Internet has become an indispensable reality, which has increased and appeared and will continue to increase since the pandemic that changed our lives and that we do not know when or how it will end. Every business today, even if it has a large place on the ground, has also had a large presence on the Internet through which it sells.

At the end

Before we rush and think about leaving social networking sites, this does not mean that we abandon social media completely, but rather that we distribute our work in more than one place and that we have control over everything related to our work, in addition to more than one means by which we can reach to Our customers, if any problem occurs in any platform, you have the other, in the end, the best thing is your site that you own
Tell us in the comments, did the Facebook outage affect your work or did you think it would affect your work? We are pleased to know your experiences and wish you a happy and successful business trip


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