Digital Business Card

8 reasons/mistakes people are leaving your website

In a previous post we talked about how to build trust with your website visitors and why they would close your website and never come back again, but here we talk about another level, we talk about why these same visitors might leave our website even after we gained their trust, maybe we are too pushy, or our website is poor, and there’s a lot of reasons for that. so, let’s jumpstart the mistakes that we may make without even realizing we are doing them.

  1. Poor Content
  2. Outdated Design
  3. Nonresponsive design
  4. Too many ads
  5. Website too slow
  6. No clear call to action
  7. Unclear content/navigation structure
  8. Visitors get “not secure” warnings
  9. 1- Poor content

    Starting marketing without building great, useful content for our visitors is one of the dumpiest things ever that we could make, we may prepare a brilliant marketing campaign and when we capture the leads and they come to our website they find nothing important, nothing they care about, nothing they can share. This is the worst way we can burn our money out.

    2- Outdated design

    Users have a tendency to think that if the website design is outdated then this reflects the companies ability to provide services and products, poor design means poor service. Nobody wants dark bold with inconsistent colors websites. And by outdated design, we mean any lack of consistency in colors, fonts, the poor layout of the website, and unbalanced contrast which leads to a bad user experience. So if your last design was updated a few years ago, then this is a sign that you need to redesign it.

    3- Nonresponsive design

    We said it before that almost half or more than half of internet traffic is coming from smartphones and tablets, if you are not ready for this by making your design responsive you will be losing most if not all of your website visitors from mobiles and tablets, they would accept it in the first visit but not in the second or third. Your website should look great on all devices widths in addition that it’s used by Google as a ranking factor affecting websites rankings.

    4- Too many Ads

    If your blog/website is relying on ads to return the money, so, the chances are you are trying to put ads whenever possible, if you don’t think about this from a visitor perspective, you will end up adding tons of ads on every page which will drive users mad and will make them leave your site and search for other sites that give them the same results. So you better keep things balanced, use ads only if it’s your only model but don’t put too many ads on every page. Because in the end, the return from ads is very low that it doesn’t deserve the annoyment caused to visitors.

    5- Website Too Slow

    Your visitors may wait the first time the website load to view the content, but if the website loads slowly every time they open a new page, even your loyal customers will get bored and move to another site or search for another website that gives them the same content or value, and in this era, Google will provide them with a lot of alternatives and they will simply forget about you, so don’t waste your chances.
    N.B: keep your website loading time range between 2 ~ 3 seconds maximum.

    6- No clear call to action

    You may be doing impressive work on your website, adding helpful content, and doing everything you should do to keep your visitors around but still missing the most important thing which is a clear call to action. I may visit a website and scroll through the home page to view the interesting content but in the end, you didn’t ask me to do anything so I will probably close the website, while you should have added a form for me to opt-in or join a mail list, and the same also when reading a blog post and I really liked it but then you asked me nothing while you should have shown me other related blog posts to keep me engaged or give me a form to join your newsletter.
    Remember, people don’t know what they should do so tell them and guide them for the next couple of steps at least.

    7- Unclear content / navigation structure

    Users like it when they can find any information they need easily on websites, With big websites that have zillions of pages, it becomes harder to navigate and reach needed pages, navigation on your website must not be like I have to solve a maze before reaching my target. Similar content must be grouped on the website and ordered depending on their priority and importance.
    Review your website structure to ensure everything is logically organized, simple, clear, and easy to access and use. And in case you are not sure how to organize it, you can rely on google analytics for example to understand your audience behavior and how they navigate on the website.

    8- Visitors get a “not secure” warning

    A couple of years ago, Google started adding flags for sites without SSL certificates, and also announced that having SSL certificates affects the website rank, despite the fact that websites without SSL are easier to hack, a study conducted in the UK shows that 64% of users said that they would leave a site if they saw a “not secure” warning, needless to say, that the effect is doubled when visitors are prompted to give sensitive information like passwords or credit card data.
    So, if your site is not secured, please consider upgrading to HTTPS, and make your visitors feel secured.

    Final thoughts,

    Visitors behavior might be hard to track and understand on the website, so you should consider checking these points and tell us if any of them is working with you, also if you think there are points we didn’t talk about, please share them with us so we can all benefit from it.
    Thank you for your reading time, and wish you a happy, successful business trip


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